Track Lighting FAQ

  • What are the three types of track lighting?

    The three main types of track lighting are H-Type, L-Type, and J-Type. The differences between the three track types are the number of wires and the shape of the buss bars (what connects the power to the track fixture). H-Type is a 3-wire system with three thin, flat buss bars. L-Type and J-Type are 2-wire systems with two cylindrical buss bars.
  • What is the difference between H, J and L track lighting?

    The differences between H and J track lighting types are the number of wires and the shape of the buss bars (what connects or transmits the power to the track fixture). H-Type is a 3-wire system with three thin, flat buss bars. J-Type is a 2-wire system with two cylindrical buss bars. Juno Track fixtures are also available with alternate adapters such G-type, H-type and L-type offering broader compatibility to upgrade practically any existing track installation.

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