Track Light FAQ

  • Can you replace track lighting fixtures?

    Track lighting fixtures can be replaced; however, the track fixture adapter must be compatible with track system that’s currently installed.
  • Are track lights out of style?

    Track Lighting may not always be the first aesthetic choice on a designers’ list for today’s lighting layout styles. However, it is highly versatile, and for some applications, like concrete ceilings or where lighting versatility is needed, track lighting is still a top choice. Also, with track lighting offered in slimmer profiles and with modern track fixtures, track lighting can still easily complement almost any current style and decor. For track lighting design inspiration, view the Acuity Brands Project Gallery.
  • Are track lights standard size?

    There isn’t a standard size to track lights (fixtures). Track fixtures come in many shapes, sizes, and function options to fit the desired need of the lighting application. 
  • What are the three types of track lighting?

    The three main types of track lighting are H-Type, L-Type, and J-Type. The differences between the three track types are the number of wires and the shape of the buss bars (what connects the power to the track fixture). H-Type is a 3-wire system with three thin, flat buss bars. L-Type and J-Type are 2-wire systems with two cylindrical buss bars.
  • Do all track lights fit the same track?

    Not all track lights fit or are compatible with other track systems. Each track system requires a specific track light adapter to work with the given track system.
  • Can you mount track lighting on a wall?

    Track Lighting is typically mounted to a drywall/gypsum, T-bars, or concrete ceilings. Since tracking lighting is a surface mount system, it can also easily be installed on a wall, suspended from a ceiling, or on a beam with the appropriate hardware.

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