Customer Finance, Accounting FAQs, and Help

Click through the categories below to find answers to many of the most common questions and requests related to your accounting needs.
If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact your ABL Accounting Analyst by opening this file and entering your Customer ID#.

    • Where is the credit application form needed for a new customer account setup?

      New customer accounts require a Credit Application, which can be downloaded here. Click here to access a French version of this form. These applications must be signed by the Customer and Agent. The Agency should then send the application to their Regional Sales Manager for processing.
    • Where can I find the latest Acuity Brands, Inc. W9 Form and Acuity Brands Lighting Canada Inc. W8 Form?

      You can find the most recent Acuity Brands Lighting Inc. W9 form for Customers/Distributors here.

      You can find the most recent Acuity Brands Lighting Canada Inc. W8 form for Customers/Distributors here.

    • How do I setup a new customer account?

      The first step to setting up new accounts or new distributor branches is to complete and sign a credit application form. Next, send the signed Credit application, W9, (W8 if this is for an International Customer), and resale certificate (Multistate if available) to your assigned ABL Regional Sales Manager. The ABL Regional Sales Manager will then obtain the RVP of Sales approval. Once all steps have been completed, the ABL Regional Sales Manager will forward the completed information to Please allow 72 hours for the request to be completed once submitted.
    • Add Resale Exemption Certificate​

      If the customer account already exists, please email resale tax certificate to and include the customer ID # in the subject line.

      To begin the process, please complete and sign the Acuity Brands Credit application. Next, send the following documents to your assigned ABL Regional Sales Manager:

      • Signed Credit application
      • W9 Form
        • W8 is required for international customers
      • State Resale Exemption Certificate

      The ABL Regional Sales Manager will obtain the Acuity RVP approval and forward the completed documents, along with the agency number to Please allow 72 hours for the request to be processed and completed.

    • How do I update an existing customer account (address, remit to information, point of contact, etc.)?

      Use one of the following links to provide the updated customer account information (Internal ABL Associates use this link, all others use this link). One of our Accounting team members will begin the setup process. Please allow up to 72 hours for the request to be completed.
    • It has been 72 hours and I have not heard back about my customer account setup or maintenance request. Who should I contact?

      Please escalate your request to
    • My order is on "HOLD", what do I do?

      Please reach out to one of the following corresponding contacts for our order or billing hold. Be sure to include your customer number, and order or PO number in the email subject line.

      - Order Hold Types - PDH, CIA, CRD, RVW -> Contact the Credit Analyst listed on your account statement or you can look up that contact here.
      - Order Hold Types - PIR, PIG; contact:
      - Order Hold Types - IBA, INC, INS, ISS, ISA; contact:
      - Order Hold Types - IPD, NFD, NPD, IBU; contact: 
      - Order Hold Types - USH (Unshipped) and SWL (Shipped without lines); reach out to your Agency and ABL Customer Support Representative to notify the Distribution Center.

    • I have not received a response about my request to clear my order or billing hold?

      If it has been more than 3 business days since your submission, please escalate your request to the appropriate ABL Accounting Team leader which you can look up using a customer ID number here.
    • The wrong customer was billed; how can I fix this error? (Aka: I need a credit and rebill)

      If you are the Customer, please notify your Agency immediately that your account has been billed in error. The Credit and Rebill Form must be completed by an Agent or Acuity Associate and then our Accounting team can begin the process to fix the error. Please allow 4 business days to complete.
    • How can I update/correct a PO# on an invoice?

      Please follow this link to submit a request for the Accounting Team to update/correct the PO # on the affected invoice. Please allow for 4 business days to complete your request.
    • I was charged ECO fees on my invoice in error, what should I do? (For Canadian Customers)​

      If you were invoiced ECO fees incorrectly, please follow these steps:

      1. Obtain your Program Registration letter that supports your account being exempt ECO fees within the province it was shipped.
      2. Email a copy of the registration letter and your invoice #s to your Accounting team point of contact requesting they update your account and credit the ECO fees incorrectly billed.

      Your Account Team Point of contact can be found here. Open the file and enter you Customer ID #.

    • What is a manual transaction?

      A manual transaction is a special request for a credit memo or manual bill that does not populate systematically. You would request a manual transaction for customer accommodations, various errors in ordering, pricing, taxes or billing, and in some instances cancellations (this is not an exhaustive list). See next question for how to complete a request.

      Note: If an incorrect customer is billed, but the invoice is correct otherwise, you would use the Credit & Rebill request form, NOT a manual transaction.

    • How do I submit a request for a manual transaction?

      If you are a customer, please reach out to your Agent or Customer Support Representative for assistance. Requests for manual transactions (invoices or credits) must be completed by an Agent or ABL Associate.

      If you are an Agent or ABL Associate, please follow these instructions when completing the Manual Transaction Request Form. You will need to download (or Save As Copy) the form and Enable Editing. Please refer to the instructions and the “Submission Checklist” tab to fully complete the form and submission. If you have any questions, reach out to your ABL Customer Support Representative directly.

      Important Note:  Please note that each request requires the appropriate approval level based on the ABL Delegation of Authority policy (connect with your Regional Sales Manager to get the approval routed).

    • How do I locate a copy of my invoice?

      If you are a Distributor Customer, log into Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) and navigate to the “Invoices/Credits” tab. Then, select the Invoices sub tab on the left-side pane. The last 120 days of invoices should be showing, or you can search by PO#. Select the Invoice you are looking for with the blue arrow and your PDF will appear in the right-side pane. Click here for instructions on how to use the Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) to locate invoices and credit memos.

      Distributor Customers having technical issues logging into or navigating ADC, please reach out to your selling agent to ensure you have a login, or contact with technical issues. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please contact your ABL Accounting Analyst by opening this file and entering your Customer ID#.

      If you are an ABL Associate or Agent, you can follow the instructions above (selecting the customer account you are looking for first), or you can find the PDFs in Agile. Within the Orders/Post Sales app, click, open the “Credit & Invoice Viewer.” Select the Rep and/or Customer number, then search by the Document number or by Date.

    • How can I pay Acuity Brands Lighting with a credit card or ACH process?

      Please refer to our Remit To section of our website.
    • How can I get an open transactions statement for my/a customer account?

      Send an email with your customer ID# to your Accounting Team Point of contact, which can be found here.
    • What are my "Remit To" options?

      Please follow this link for the “Remit To” options.
    • The sales tax on my invoice was billed incorrectly, how do I fix it?

      If you were invoiced sales tax incorrectly, please follow the steps below:

      1. Obtain your resale, provincial sales tax or any government exemption certificate that supports your account being exempt from taxes within the jurisdiction the product was shipped to.

      2. Email the exemption certificate and invoice #'s to your Accounting team point of contact requesting they update your account and credit the taxes incorrectly billed.

      Your Accounting Team Point of contact can be found here, by downloading this file and entering your Customer ID Number found on your invoice.

    • What are your invoicing terms and conditions?

      Please click on this link for ABL invoicing terms, or this link for Mexico ABL Terms and Conditions of Sale.
    • How can you address the labor expense related to my warranty claim?

      All labor and warranty related issues should be handled through your selling agent and/or ABL Post Sales Department. If you need to speak with a Post Sales representative, please call 1-800-705-SERV with your claim number or product information.
    • I have not received a response or resolution to my billing / invoice request?

      If it has been more than 4 business days since your submission, please escalate your request to the appropriate ABL Accounting Team leader which you can look up here, using your Seller Reference/Customer Number found on your invoice or Account Statement.
    • How do I locate a copy of my credit memo?

      If you are a Distributor Customer, log into Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) and navigate to the “Invoices/Credits” tab. Then, select the Credit Memos sub tab on the left-side pane. The last 120 days of credit memos should be showing, or you can search by PO#. Select the Credit Memo you are looking for with the blue arrow and you PDF will appear in the right pane.

      If you are an ABL Associate or Agent, you can follow the instructions above (selecting the customer account you are looking for first), or you can find the PDFs in Agile. Within the Orders/Post Sales app, click, open the “Credit & Invoice Viewer.” Select the Rep and/or Customer number, then search by the Document number or by Date.

    • How do I return merchandise that is within the terms and conditions of sale?

      If you have merchandise that needs to be returned and it is within the terms and conditions of sale, please contact your selling agent for a “Return Authorization” (RA).

      *Mexico Agents or Distributors: If you have submitted a Return request and have any questions on the status of your request, please contact

    • I returned product, how soon will I receive my credit?

      If you have returned the product to the authorized distribution center (DC) according to guidelines specified within your Return Approval document, once items are received in at the DC, your credit should generate within 1 business day. Agents and ABL Associates can reach out to the local Distribution Centers to confirm receipt of the returned product by emailing the corresponding DC a copy of proof of delivery and/or tracking number.

      Please do NOT deduct invoice payments using the RA number. Please wait until your credit memo is generated. The credit memo can be accessed using

      If you cannot find the credit memo, contact Make sure the Return Authorization number (RA #) is included in the subject line. Please allow up to 72 hours for a response.

    • Where is my credit from the product(s) I returned?

      If you are a Distributor Customer seeking credit on an already issued Return Authorization (RA), please check your account in the Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) for your credit memo.

      If you cannot find the credit memo, contact Make sure the Return Authorization number (RA #) is included in the subject line. Please allow up to 72 hours for a response.

      If products are confirmed returned to the ABL DC and credit was not issued for a closed line on your return, please contact your selling agent to begin the “Manual Transaction” process. This process takes approximately 4 business days to complete after submission.

    • What is a manual transaction?

      A manual transaction is a special request for a credit memo or manual bill that does not populate systematically. You would request a manual transaction for customer accommodations, various errors in ordering, pricing, taxes or billing, and in some instances cancellations (this is not an exhaustive list). See next question for how to complete a request.

      Note: If an incorrect customer is billed, but the invoice is correct otherwise, you would use the Credit & Rebill request form, NOT a manual transaction.

    • How do I submit a request for a manual transaction?

      If you are a customer, please reach out to your selling agent or Customer Support Representative for assistance. Requests for manual transactions (invoices or credits) must be completed by an Agent or ABL Associate.

      If you are an Agent or ABL Associate, please follow these instructions when completing the Manual Transaction Request Form. You will need to download (or Save As Copy) the form and Enable Editing. Please refer to the instructions and the “Submission Checklist” tab to fully complete the form and submission. If you have any questions on how to fill out this request form, please contact If you have questions about reason codes for your request, reach out to your ABL Customer Support representative.

      Important Note: Please note that each request requires the appropriate approval level based on the ABL Delegation of Authority policy (connect with your Regional Sales Manager to get the approval routed).

    • I have not received a response or resolution to my credit memo request?

      If it has been more than 4 business days since your submission, please escalate your request to the appropriate ABL Accounting Team leader which you can look up here.
    • How can I get "proof of delivery"?

      If you need a proof of delivery for an ABL shipment*, please email your Order Number(s) and Release Number(s) to ** Please allow up to 72 hours for the request to be completed.

      *If you are an internal ABL associate or Agent, prior to requesting a Proof of Delivery, please confirm if you can retrieve the proof of delivery from the pro # link in Agile Order Management, on the shipments tab of the order.

      **Mexico Agents and Customers please contact:

    • How do I file a claim for shortages or damages on shipments?

      For easy submission, please log into Acuity Distributor Center (ADC) at and navigate to the Order Status tab. Search and select your order, then click on the “Freight Claims” button (red truck in upper right corner) to begin your claim submission. You will provide the quantity (noting whether it was visual, concealed or shorted) on the line you're are claiming. Download the completed form BEFORE submitting so you can retain a copy for your records.

      If you prefer, you can download this form (which is a request form and outlines the Freight Claim Assistance Program), complete it and email to

    Still looking for answers or accounting help?

    If the above answers and links do not answer your question, or you need to escalate your request, please reach out to the ABL Accounting Team contacts linked here. Please provide any references to an order number and/or account number (seller reference #) within your email inquiry.

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